Slow apps
Incident Report for Relesys
We would like to apologize for slow apps during the days of March 1st to and including March 3rd.

On Tuesday, March 1st, we experienced degraded performance for all apps and the management portal. This meant unusually slow loading, which at times was up to 20 times as slow compared to normal. This lasted for about 3½ hours from 11:30 GMT+1 till 14:00 GMT+1. The incident was investigated, but no root cause was found.

On Wednesday, March 2nd, we experienced similar behavior, in shorter periods during the day. Again it was investigated, but no root cause was found either.

On Thursday, Match 3rd, we once more started seeing the same pattern as the previous days. It started at 9:45 GMT+1. This time the root cause was found, and we pushed a fix which went live at 11:40 GMT+1. For about 30 minutes after that, the system were operating a bit slower than usual, but stabilized shortly after.

All systems have been running stable since.
Posted Mar 07, 2022 - 15:34 CET
This incident affected: Performance App and Management Portal.